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Contact Information
Address: Jinan, Huaiyin District, Jinan City, Jinan Wide Forbidden Belt Semiconductor Industrial Park
RTP Rapid Annealing Equipment
Rapid annealing furnace
Key words:
RTP Rapid Annealing
RTP Rapid Annealing Equipment
Product Introduction:
Rapid annealing furnace is a kind of semiconductor heat treatment equipment which uses infrared heat radiation to realize rapid heating. The semiconductor silicon wafer located in the process cavity is rapid-ly heated by a light radiation type heat source power control module device and a special lamp group to realize a stable heating process
Product Characteristics:
◆ High temperature control precision and good repeatability
◆ Clean and clean process chamber
◆ Users can customize the process gas according to their requirements, and can configure up to 6channels of gas
◆ Computer automatic control of technological process
◆ Sample size: 2-6 inches
◆ Temperature rise and fall rate: 0-100 °c/s controllable
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