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Contact Information
Address: Jinan, Huaiyin District, Jinan City, Jinan Wide Forbidden Belt Semiconductor Industrial Park
Mold Method Crystal Growth Furnace
Ga2O3 single crystal growth and epitaxy equipment
Mold Method Crystal Growth Furnace
Key words:
Mold Method Crystal Growth Furnace
Product Introduction:
This device is mainly used for gallium oxide (Ga2O3) single crystal growth, the raw material is placed in the mold with a slit, the molten liquid rises to the top of the mold by siphoning, and is induced by the seed crystals to crystallize and grow into a single crystal.
This equipment is mainly used for gallium oxide (Ga2O3) single crystal growth, the raw material is placed in the mold with a slit, the molten liquid rises to the top of the mold by siphoning, and is induced by the seed crystals to crystallize and grow into a single crystal.
Provide 2 inches validation process
Provide 2 inches validation process
Product Characteristics:
♦ Yield:2-6 inches
Capacity:2-6 inches
♦ Maximum temperature:1900°C
Maximum temperature:1900°C
♦ Configuration:Upper weighing method Accuracy:10mg
Configuration:Upper weighing method accuracy:10mg
♦ Heating method:RF
Heating method:RF
♦ Air Circuit:3 ways
Air Circuit:3 ways
♦ Substrate:2 inches
Substrate:2 inches
♦ XRD half peak width:≤150arcsec
XRD half peak width:≤150arcsec
♦ Dislocation density:≤1×104cm-2
Dislocation density:≤1×104cm-2
♦ Carrier concentration:1×1018-2×1019cm-3(conductive type)
Carrier concentration:1×1018-2×1019cm-3(conductive)
♦ Resistivity:≥1×1010Ωcm (semi-insulating)
Resistivity:≥1×1010Ωcm (semi-insulating)
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