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Contact Information
Address: Jinan, Huaiyin District, Jinan City, Jinan Wide Forbidden Belt Semiconductor Industrial Park
Vertical Bridgman Method (VB) Furnace (Non-Iridium Technology)
Ga2O3 single crystal growth and epitaxy equipment
Vertical Bridgman Method (VB) Furnace (Non-Iridium Technology)
Key words:
Vertical Bridgman Method (VB) Furnace (Non-Iridium Technology)
Product Introduction:
This equipment is mainly used for single crystal growth of Gallium Oxide (Ga2O3) (non-iridium method), where the raw material is placed in a vertical crucible and then directionally solidified from the tip of the crucible through a pre-set temperature gradient zone. Single crystals are grown by slow cooling.
This equipment is mainly used for single crystal growth of Gallium Oxide (Ga2O3) (non-iridium method), where the raw material is placed in a vertical crucible and then directionally solidified from the tip of the crucible through a pre-set temperature gradient zone. Single crystals are grown by slow cooling.
Provide 2 inches validation process.
Provide 2 inches validation process.
Product Characteristics:
♦ Capacity:2-6 inches
♦ Maximum temperature: 1850°C
♦ Heating method: Resistance heating/RF heating
♦ Automation: Full automation (except loading and unloading)
♦ Air Circuit: 3 ways
♦ Substrate: 2 inches
♦ Single crystal: 2 inches Height:30mm
Pure single crystal, no impurities, electrical properties are not guaranteed.
HVPE Epitaxy Furnace - Horizontal
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